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Research reports

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Compliance Training report

Corporate Secretary’s Compliance Training report presents data collected from a survey conducted among in-house governance professionals – such as general counsel and corporate secretaries – to give important insights into what companies are training their employees about, the tools they are using to do so, whether compliance training is linked to pay and whether and how companies are assessing their own efforts. Findings in this report are based on data from an online survey conducted between May and June 2021.

By downloading this report, you will learn, among other things:

  • Which topics companies’ employee compliance training programs cover
  • Whether employee compliance training programs include board members
  • Which methods companies use to implement their employee compliance training programs
  • Whether companies link ethics and/or employee compliance training to compensation.
Click to read the report here >>
Oct 20, 2021Read now
Printed issue

Entity Management report

Sponsored by Computershare

Corporate Secretary’s Entity Management report presents data based on a survey conducted among in-house entity management professionals – such as general counsel and corporate secretaries – to give important insights into this key function and how teams are adapting to changing conditions.

Findings in this report are based on data from the Corporate Secretary survey conducted between March and May 2021.

By downloading this report, you will learn:

  • How budgets for entity management have changed
  • How the resources for entity management teams have changed
  • The priorities in terms of entity management
  • What changes to entity management work there have been as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
Click to read the report here >>
Jun 28, 2021Read now
Printed issue

Working together: How governance and IR teams tackle key challenges

Sponsored by Computershare | Georgeson

Corporate Secretary and IR Magazine are pleased to announce the launch of new special report Working together: How governance and IR teams tackle key challenges.

Companies are increasingly seeing the value in having their governance, legal and corporate secretary teams work closely with their colleagues in investor relations. Where these groups collaborate to share expertise and different perspectives, they can help develop and implement a more coherent and effective narrative for the company. But careful thought must be given to finding the right way to get the most out of this coordination.

In researching this report, we spoke with IR and governance/legal professionals at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Regions Financial Corporation and about the different ways they approach working together on three of the most important interactions with investors: the proxy statement and AGM, shareholder engagement and ESG reporting. We also spoke with experts at Georgeson and Computershare to gain their insight on industry best practices.

Click to read Working together: How governance and IR teams tackle key challenges here >>

Feb 10, 2020Read now