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How governance plays a role in HP’s award-winning ESG reporting
Will a new face in the presidential election race change the prevailing mood on ESG?
It was former British prime minister Harold Wilson who coined the phrase ‘ a week is a long time in politics’. The past seven days...
‘Blah blah blah, alphabet soup’: Alison Taylor, author and NYU professor on the problems with ESG
Earlier this year, Alison Taylor, clinical professor at NYU Stern Business School, published a book titled Higher Ground: How...
The ‘teenage years’ of ESG: Experts discuss shifting perceptions at ESG Integration Forum – Summer
Will IFRS S1 and S2 help make ESG reporting easier and more meaningful?
Surveys of company executives indicate that their number problem with ESG is the multitude of partially conflicting and...
Going backward or going mainstream? How investors’ ESG expectations are changing
Investors’ expectations around ESG factors have always been multifaceted. And with regulations and guidelines for ESG disclosure...
Amazon warehouse working conditions proposal gets significant backing
A shareholder proposal seeking a report on warehouse working conditions received the backing of almost a third of votes at Amazon...
Proposal seeking report on Mondelēz human-rights policy attracts support
Almost one third of votes cast at Mondelēz International’s AGM last week backed a shareholder proposal asking the snack-maker’s...
Science-based climate goals proposal attracts support at Centene
Voting at Centene Corporation’s recent AGM has shown significant investor support for a proposal asking the Fortune 500 healthcare...